Creech Land Use & Zoning provides expert legal services tailored to community developers, specializing in land use and zoning in Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, and Okeechobee Counties, including their municipalities.
For developers, landowners, and entrepreneurs, consistent high-quality land use and zoning analysis is vital.
Our services cover due diligence, site reviews, development constraints, commercial lease negotiations, Planned Unit Development Reviews, Amendments, and Environmental Permitting.
We guide clients through development entitlement and permitting processes across the United States. Our expertise often serves Middle Market Clients, including Chain Fast Food, Sit-Down Dining Restaurants, Big Box Retail Stores, and Residential and Commercial developments.
Additionally, we have a myriad of experience in reaching, advocating, and aiding entrepreneurs, land owners, and small communities in serving their own goals and future visions.

Variances and Special Exceptions

Rezoning Applications

Project Permitting

Local Government Land Use

Land Use and Zoning

Land Development Regulations

Land Development Agreements